Marketing Tips

Welcome to my Houzz

Entreview Marketing services offers services for the financial services, bankcard industries. We are leader of website design, management, payment processing, and technical support. See one of our client websites, at this link.

In the Custom Home Builder Market, it’s important to be virtually present on multiple social platforms. One that we love is Houzz, which professionally features your homes in a way that buyers can find you and learn about you. It also allows you to see your competition and what they’re doing successfully in the market.
For those of you who might not be tech savvy, fear not! Below is an easy to follow tutorial to help you get started in your Custom Home Builder Marketing. Be sure to stay connected with Entreview to learn other great tips and tricks for your Custom Home Builder Marketing Efforts. We’re here to help YOU!


Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

Blogging 101

Entreview Marketing services offers services for the financial services, bankcard industries. We are leader of website design, management, payment processing, and technical support. See one of our client websites, at this link.


Blogging is no walk in the park. One thing we always preach when we discuss blogging for the Custom Home Builder Market is intention. Everything you write is a representation of your company values and knowledge. With that said, all of your content should be carefully considered before it’s officially posted. Today we’re going to provide a few words of wisdom, to prevent you from saying the old ‘shoulda, coulda, woulda’ in your Custom Home Builder Marketing Blogs.

Treat it like a job, not just a task:
As we said before, your blogs are a representation of you. Treat them with the respect they (and your company) deserve.

Get Inspiration:
Doing your research about your market and seeing what other Custom Home Builder Marketing bloggers are using to be successful is just as important as writing. Just as you keep updated the new home improvements, you need to be up to date on the trends of your buyers so that you know how to reach out to them

Keep Records:
Sometimes ideas come to us at the most inopportune times. When this happens, write them down. Keep track of blog ideas and hold yourself accountable to do so. You’ll be happy you did when you experience writers block.

Get a nice Design:
In the Custom Home Builder Market, you’ll more than likely already have a website template for your blogs. If this is the case, do a website audit and determine how it interacts with your viewers. Aesthetics are almost as important as the content you provide.

Use quality images:
In referencing your blogs, be sure  to use high resolution photos. It can be a distraction or turn of if your quality content is accompanied by poor quality images. There’s plenty of great (and free) resources you can use to accomplish this.

Have Fun:
Most importantly, be yourself and have fun. While blogging is a job that requires a lot of intention and thought – the Custom Home Builder Market makes it fun. You’re providing homes for people to create lasting memories in, and they need your help!

As always, stay connected with Entreview Marketing! We’re here to help your buyers find you, and we’re always providing tools to turn you into a Custom Home Builder Marketing Guru. You’ll be thanking us later.

Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

Common Blogging Mistakes

Entreview Marketing services offers services for the financial services, bankcard industries. We are leader of website design, management, payment processing, and technical support. See one of our client websites, at this link.


The beauty of blogging is the liberty to express your industry knowledge, morals, and any topic that relates to what you do. You also can create emphasis with your Custom Home Builder Marketing using your design. If you don’t use each of your blogging freedoms with a deliberate purpose, you run the risk of impairing how your audience navigates and uses the information you provide.
It’s easy to create an aesthetically pleasing blog, but it needs to be executed in a way that’s ‘viewer friendly’. Below are common mistakes that bloggers run into, regardless of how pretty their blog looks.

Blog Design too Wide:
We’ve all been on a site that has part of the content or design cut off, forcing you to scroll up and down, left and right. It’s a common mistake in the Custom Home Builder Market. To avoid doing this on your own blog, make it compatible across all platforms. To see additional benefits to this, read this.

Where’s the link?
You don’t want your viewers to go to another home builder website, and a great way to get to stay on your site is to embed links of past blogs in your new content. Avoid using light colors to do this. Otherwise, they won’t see the link and you’ll miss out on that subscriber.

Old Posts:
What you’re saying is important and unique, and you want your viewers to have easy access to your older content. To accomplish this, provide easy to find options for your viewers and categorize all the other great content you have available for them. (ex: popular posts, scroll down function, directly in the header, etc.)

Sharing is Caring:
The best way to spread the word is to embed a share button for your viewers. Your blog provides a service they, or someone they know, might need. Make it easy for them to share what you offer. Always make sure that your sharing button links back to your site.

Contact Info?
A lot of your avid reader would love to contact you and ask more questions! Don’t make them search for your information. Be loud and proud with it, and put it on every page of your site.

We love blogging at Entreview Marketing, and we love to help the Custom Home Builder Market get a successful head start in the blogging world. Do you have more questions? Stay connected with us or give us a call! We’re here to help you.



Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

The Blogging Master

Entreview has worked on a number of different client websites throughout the years. You can this website as an example of one of our clients.



Blogs are a great way to connect with your audience while marketing your unique services. They also improve your rankings on search engines and make you look like the authority in your market.  While they’re a great contributing factor in your Custom Home Builder Marketing success, they can be a little intimidating to tackle. To help you get started on your blogging journey, we thought we’d share some things that help us. Happy Blogging!

First and foremost:
You have a voice and a story to share. Remember that you’re sharing valuable information that could really help someone, regardless of the topic.

Blog Topic:
Establish your blog topic. In the Custom Home Builder Market, you have the freedom to touch on a lot of topics that complement your homes. What is something that your company specialized in that sets you apart from your competitors? How will this be valuable for your potential buyers?

Prospect Take Away:
What do you want your prospects to take away from your blog post? Are you wanting to incentivize them to take action from the information you’ve provided? Always write your blog with a purpose in mind.

Create your title:
Once you’ve figured out your blog topic, create a title. To use your blogging to its full capacity, try using common words that your prospects would search for. This will increase their chances of finding you.

Unite Colors:
To optimize your brand recognition, try incorporating colors from your logo into your blog. The color association will help your prospects remember you.

Entreview Marketing serves to help you get found in the Custom Home Builder Market. The tools we provide are starter kits that haven consistently proven successful in the Custom Home Builder Marketing world. To become a marketing guru or learn more about what we do, stay connected with us and we guarantee you’ll be on your way to success!

Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

YouTube for the Custom Home Builder

Entreview Marketing services offers services for the financial services, bankcard industries. We are leader of website design, management, payment processing, and technical support. See one of our client websites, at this link.

In our 10 years experience of diving into the Custom Home Builder Market, we’ve discovered the common struggle home builders run into: Virtually representing their homes to the truest form.

For example, pictures tend to be limiting when you’re trying to reference space in your homes.  It’s important to understand that your quality of virtual presence is equally as important as the quality of your homes. In trying to overcome this problem, we’ve found that most successful platform for Custom Home Builder Marketing is YouTube.

The more channels you use to market yourself, the better! The reality is,  83% of U.S. consumers will go online and do research before they purchase an item. YouTube is a globally recognized brand with a simple to use interface. It essentially does your marketing for you. The key is to create successful, brand recognized consistencies across all platforms you’re using, which is where we come in. Below is an infographic we put together to highlight ways you can get started with YouTube and use this visual platform to its full capacity.

Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

Green Marketing

Entreview Marketing services offers services for the financial services, bankcard industries. We are leader of website design, management, payment processing, and technical support. See one of our client websites, at this link.

Entreview Marketing loves living the green life, and we like to encourage other businesses to do the same. If you’re wanting to make the transition to going green in your workplace, below are a few ways you can start.

Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

Happy Earth Day!

Entreview does software development, marketing, and website services for a variety of industries and websites. Take a look at one of our client websites, here.

This year marks the 44th birthday of Earth Day. The heart of this global celebration lies in educating people about the environmental impact of everyday choices, and it’s something that Entreview Marketing firmly believes in. To demonstrate our commitment to sustainability, we are proud to be a ‘Certifiably Green Company.’ The certificate qualifications are broken down into five stages:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Water conservation
  • Resource management
  • Alternative transportation
  • Business management

Each of these categories are reviewed to ensure that we are consistent in being environmentally cautious and sustainable. Through our commitment to going green in the workplace, we’ve seen a much higher increase in efficiency through our virtual productions, ultimately leading to an increase in our profitability. Because of our achievements, we like to empower and educate other businesses about the benefits of going green

So, why did we decide to do this?

It feels good to give
Suffice it to say, we are very passionate about the environment, and we feel it’s important that we give back instead of taking all the time. Giving also improves your health! (lower blood pressure, increased self-esteem, lower stress levels, longer life, greater happiness etc.)

We love the idea of reusing goods that would’ve otherwise been thrown out and wasted. Everything has worth, and it’s time we started treating everything with that mentality

Sharing the love
We love sharing the big difference in the small acts that going green can do. Our office is held in a GreenSpace community, where entrepreneurs share the same love and commitment to being green. It sets the tone to give back and be proactive in all aspects of life.

This Earth Day, we challenge you to give back. Find a change that works best for your lifestyle, and start doing it. We’re confident that you’ll be happily surprised with the results. What’s stopping you?

Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

Automated Email for the Custom Home Builder

Entreview Marketing services offers services for the financial services, bankcard industries. We are leader of website design, management, payment processing, and technical support. See one of our client websites, at this link.


The mistake we see a lot of people make in the Custom Home Builder Market is assuming they’re done with their buyers once the home is built and papers are signed. Today we’re going to talk about the benefits in engaging your past home buyers while providing resources to help you effectively market to them.

According to, 77% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it from friends or family.

With that said, any interaction you have with your home buyer, whether present or past, should be done with intention. Through our 10 years of experience, we have found the most effective and meaningful channel to reach out to your past customers is Automated Email.

This is a branch of traditional email that’s focused on preformatted content with a scheduled purpose to be sent out to a list of email contacts. It’s great in that it’s a ‘set it and forget it’ approach to marketing. As a home builder, there’s a lot of valuable content that you can provide in your emails to make your new home buyers feel more at ease with the transition of moving into their new home. Some great examples include:

  • Quarterly or Annual Maintenance tips for the home
  • Cost of Materials
  • Design Trends
  • Landscaping Tips

You can tailor these emails to best represent your company. The goal is to create content that’s important and captivating. Once you’ve mastered this, you’ll always be on the buyers mind. It’s a simple gesture that feels personalized and thoughtful and is guaranteed to generate referrals. A few platforms we love are Active Campaign & Vertical Response.  Bottom line: If you want to set yourself apart in the Custom Home Builder Market, start emailing – because word of mouth marketing is the best marketing.



Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

Celebrating Earth Day

We at Entreview offer marketing, website management, app development, website marketing for all types of verticals and industries including financial services. Please go to this link, to see an example of one of our websites we design for.

Entreview Marketing is proud to be a certifiably green company, and we like to educate others on what it means to live green. With Earth Day coming up, we thought we’d share just a few small changes you can implement in your life to give back to the Earth. Happy Green Living!


Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

The Benefits of Passive Marketing

Entreview Marketing services offers services for the financial services, bankcard industries. We are leader of website design, management, payment processing, and technical support. See one of our client websites, at this link.

Untitled-4Life is all about balance, and the same applies to Marketing. We think there’s a time and place to be passive or aggressive with your marketing campaign, and the custom home builder market allows you the luxury to utilize both. While aggressive marketing is the easier route and gets your point out loud and proud, we’ve found that passive marketing has an equally (if not more) positive effect on your sales.

The Passive Approach:
The passive approach does a successful job of creating brand recognition and awareness. It does so without over exposing your services and creating high pressure on your audience. It serves to create consistencies in all channels to make your consumers comfortable with your brand. On the opposite end of the spectrum, when your brand is over exposed, you run the risk of creating a negative impact on your consumers.

It’s all about the Content:
The secret to a successful passive approach is to create quality content that engages your consumer. Set yourself apart from your competitors using a concise and consistent message. Doing so ignites the spark that’ll create action from your consumers.

How can you best implement a passive marketing approach for the Custom Home Builder Market?

The answer is in the home! Keep your prospects informed when they tour your model unit by incorporating posters or cards throughout the home tour. Each item should detail all the key features of that specific home. Show them that you’re the authority in your market. Some great content to include throughout the tour are:

  • Community features
  • Benefits of specific appliances
  • The efficiency of the home
  • The quality of the structure

This is just the beginning! Once you’ve fine-tuned your marketing campaign to be the perfect balance of passive and aggressive, you’ll be on your way to a very successful marketing future.

Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips