Why Google+ Is Your Friend

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Happy Wednesday! Today on our Wiki Wednesday segment, we’ll be discussing Google+ and its effect on your Search Engine optimization (SEO). If you’ve been reading our previous blogs, (We hope you have!) you’ll know how important it is to have your Website fully Optimized. This is a big contributor of effective marketing to help your business get found. We’ve already talked about ways to help increase your SEO, but the one we’ll be discussing today has become a growing and reliable trend that companies can use (for free!). So, let’s get started.

What is Google+?

As I’m sure you’ve assumed, Google+ was created by Google, and it’s a more personalized approach to searching for things online. Much like Facebook, you’re able to create your own profile page that allows you to connect with friends, organize your life, use your email, and search for virtually anything.

How does this interact with Google?

With Google+ being an appendage of Google, it now has all of your personal information and can better track which items you’re searching for, and in a quicker fashion. It all plays a role in how Google decides to categorize websites in the search results.

What information does Google collect from Google+ to use for SEO?

Google is only interested in the websites that show the most activity. Keywords are a great way to generate activity, but one guaranteed and effective marketing strategy is Customer reviews. Last Wednesday we discussed the benefits of having a good User Experience (UX), and this transitions well into getting Google+ reviews. If your customer enjoyed their experience, don’t be afraid to ask them to write a review about your company. You’ll find that most people are more than willing to help, especially if you’re a small company. The more reviews you get, the more Google will respond. This is great not only for your Search Results, but also for future customers. With reviews on Google+, they’re able to read all of the awesome feedback about your business, and then pinpoint your location on the Google+ Maps to go check you out! This makes for great and effective marketing. If you’re wanting to increase your traffic, invite your loyal customers to write a review.

Where Do I Start?Survey Form
Don’t worry! We’ve designed a quick and painless template to help your customers through the process.
We hope this information has been helpful. Feel free to comment and let us know any struggles you might be having with your marketing, and we’ll walk you through it. Stay tuned next Wednesday for more marketing advice from our team!

Posted by JonGatewood  |  0 Comment  |  in Marketing Tips

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